How to Use Pinterest to Market Your Vanity Number
Pinterest is a hugely addictive social network that has grown in popularity since its launch in 2010. It’s a great place to showcase quality content and attractive marketing materials that your business has created to communicate products, services and of course that memorable vanity number that takes pride of place.
The site is essentially an online scrapbook with a quick learning curve, so here we take a quick look at how to ease Pinterest into a marketing strategy that also uses your vanity number.

Pinterest Thrives On Vibrant Visuals
The most important thing to remember with Pinterest is that it is all about visual content. Striking images and videos are the order of the day, so your marketing and content team must have the Pinterest community in mind when planning company communications on the site. As users can be quite fickle and are distracted from page to page rather easily. One of the best ways to go about using your vanity number on Pinterest is to include it in every image or video that you create. Build as much visual content as you can so that you can pin it to your Pinterest boards; the more high-quality the content, the better the chance of other users sharing it around to spread the word.Always Brand Your Content with Your Vanity Number
For two reasons, it is critical that you brand the content that your team produces with that vanity number. These are:- Studies show that it takes between at least five to seven brand “impressions” before you start to stick in people’s minds. This means that they will need to see that great vanity number a few times before it gets drilled into their heads as the place to call for whatever products or services you’re selling.
- Branded content demonstrates that it was your company behind the production and helps show people where to go if they want to learn more or make a purchase. As well as boosting calls, Pinterest images and videos allow you to link directly through to a page on your website, the site can be an excellent source of new visitors referrals.
The bottom line: if it gets posted to Pinterest, make sure it has your vanity number on it!
Create Pinterest-Specific Content to Boost Calls
If you want to really play to the strengths of Pinterest, create specific content for the site that stars your vanity toll-free number. Some ideas include:- an image treasure hunt,
- infographics that break down industry-specific information and statistics,
- inspirational quotes from celebrities and leaders in your field,
- videos with your vanity number as a mascot.
So, What Are You Waiting For? Buy Vanity Phone Numbers Today
Boost your calls and sales with a memorable vanity phone number!
Toll-Free Numbers
A memorable vanity phone number that spells a word or phrase that will stick in the mind of your customers.
Get a local phone number in any area code so you can have a local presence in cities across the US and Canada.
SHOP Local NUMBERS- Written by: Gordon on June 11, 2014
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