Your Guide to The Best Three-Letter Phone Words

What is the best vanity phone number option for you and your company?   

Seven-digit vanity local phone numbers are extremely rare. In many area codes – especially the newer ones - not all variants of the middle three digits (NXX) are available. New phone numbers get released in blocks, over time. But, even if the exact combination of the first three digits exists in the area code you seek, to make the perfect, pure vanity phone word, there will be just one of them. For example, in all of New Hampshire, there is only one 603-LAWYERS (603-529-9377.) For many businesses, the rarity of the pure 7-digit vanity phone number is part of what makes it so appealing. Not only will you stand out and catch more attention from your target audience, but your competitors simply cannot have what you have. It’s an automatic competitive differentiator. However, these numbers are available on a first-come-first-served basis and sometimes the one you originally had in mind is unavailable. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a memorable number that fits your brand, your campaigns, and your business. 

Four-Digit Vanity Phone Numbers Create Impact

At RingBoost, we encourage our customers to focus on the last four digits when thinking of a local vanity phone number. They are more abundant than pure 7-digit vanities, giving many options, and yet retain nearly the same levels of memorability. They fit the cadence of how we remember phone numbers and are still eye catching and great at boosting marketing response rates. The area code becomes negligible when you’re advertising to a specific community who quickly skims past it. And, the easier you make it to remember the middle three digits, using a pattern such as 333 or 500, the more that four-letter vanity word can become close to a 7-digit one. While a real estate agent in upstate New York might prefer 845-LISTING, they will still get great results with 845-818-SOLD.

 Phone Words: Best 3-letter words for vanity phone numbers


The Top 25 Three-Letter Phone Words to Use in a Vanity Number For Your Business

If you really want to have a pure vanity number, there are still options for you. Find that perfect four-digit word and then put a three-letter number ahead of it to create a vanity phrase. Some of the ones that are more common include GOT and NEW (such as ###-GOT-HURT and ###-NEW-LAWN .) But, there are over one thousand three letter words in the English Dictionary, so opportunity abounds. We pulled together a quick list of the most common three-letter words we see customers use to their advantage to create a pure vanity phone number. 

VANITY NUMERIC ALL 255 ANY 269 BUY 289 FIX 349 FOR 367 FUN 386 HEY 439 GET 437 GOT 468 ITS 487 LUV 589 NEW 639 NOW 669 OUR 687 PEP 737 PRO 776 SOS 767 THE 843 TOP 867 WHY 949 WIN 946 YAY 929 YES 937 YOU 968 ZIP 947  

Think Strategically About Using Phone Words in Your Vanity Number

You can’t indiscriminately pair these phrases with a four-letter vanity word and have it make sense. You need to be thoughtful about what fits your brand and your marketing campaign. We’ve seen clients pivot their taglines and ad campaign slogans to match a great vanity phrase, though, amplifying the message. So keep an open mind and get creative!  

So, What Are You Waiting For? Buy Vanity Phone Numbers Today

Boost your calls and sales with a memorable vanity phone number!

Toll-Free Numbers

A memorable vanity phone number that spells a word or phrase that will stick in the mind of your customers.


Local Numbers

Get a local phone number in any area code so you can have a local presence in cities across the US and Canada.

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